Monday, May 25, 2015

Map Making

My school semester has ended, and now I have time to do some quilting projects. I started a quilt for my RV, the Trip Around the World quilt, back in January. Today, I started working on the back side of the quilt. It will be a map of the US with a RV and the title to my RV travel blog, Tootling Around. I was able to cut out twelve states today. Kansas has Toto as the fabric theme. I had just the right size piece of scrap fabric for pulling that one off! Texas of course gets the Stars and Stripes, while California theme is the Golden State.

It's fun looking through the scraps to decide what fabrics will represent the States. Some fabrics are the colors of the state flower or bird. Washington state is red since majority of apples come from that state. It will be interesting to see if I can continue to carry a theme of each state with the fabrics in my stash.