Meet Mr. Two Spools! I purchased him from a cowboy (and I'm not kidding, DH was there as witness). I stated that Ms. Graybar led to this machine. Well, when I picked up free Ms. Graybar, the lady told me that a Graybar is just a National. After returning home and studying her, I researched National sewing machines. During my research, I came across a quilter's blog on her National/ Western Electric Two Spool machine that she uses. I realized that the decals on her machine I had recently seen on a machine that was listed on CL. So, of course I called the poster to see if the machine was still available since I was fascinated with the use of two spools, one in a can/bobbin. A lady answered and stated that she had posted for her cowboy friend (a cowboy?!). Next day, DH and I take a drive to the wild west of California...and here is my dusty cowboy, Mr. Two Spools.
Another free one from the lady who was giving away machines. This one sit under the cutting mat table. I'm using the free treadle as my cutting table. One day I will take the machine out to display with the others. And yes, the Free Machine was free.
Ms. Graybar, I picked her up free from a lady who was cleaning out her garage (a garage full of vintage machines and treadles). Ms. Graybar isn't going to sew unless I get the electrical cords fixed, which ain't gonna happen. So, she sits on a shelf looking pretty since I love her art deco decals- heck she was free. AND she led me to Mr. Two Spools.
Look what I found inside the machine while cleaning it and figuring out why the machine's hand-wheel wouldn't turn, four drill bits!
Took the dilapidated cabinet off the free treadle and put on this free cabinet top that I sanded and finished with tung oil. My 201 now sits in this treadle.
I found the missing plate on the ground while taking apart the dilapidated cabinet.
The forlorn Singer 9W1 with the Celtic Knot decals.
Cool design in the front drawer.
Water and weather damage to top, but the treadle area is in excellent condition and she treadles smoothly.
The threading area-just missing a part or two.
Finished quilt top. I picked up this fabric when living in Japan and recently discovered it in a pile of linen that I have. I decided that it would make a cute baby quilt.
Fabric on the back of quilt.
Working on a baby quilt for some future child. This is the top.